8300 Health Park Suite 227, Raleigh, NC, United States


Diabetes Summer Care

Bring Enough Medication Pack your diabetes supplies first! For longer trips, pack double the amount of supplies that you think you’ll need in case of travel delays. Don’t forget to bring your medications, testing supplies, syringes and glucose tabs/other carbohydrates Take all of your diabetes medications and supplies in your […]

Medication Adherence

The Key to Your Healthcare Success Have you ever had trouble taking a medication as prescribed or stopping a medication without telling your doctor? Well, you are not alone! No need to worry, there are people out there to help; your local community pharmacist! Pharmacists have been recently referred to […]


Eye Health: Dry Eye & Eye Drops

Treating Dry Eye When your eyes do not make enough tears or your tears evaporate away too quickly, your eyes can be left red and dry, with a burning sensation. This is dry eye, and up to 1/3 of older adults have this condition. Dry eye can reduce your ability […]


Eye Health: The 20/20/20 Rule

In today’s world, technology surrounds us all. Protect your eyes from digital eye strain with the following tips: Practice the 20/20/20 Rule: Give your eyes a rest! Every 20 minutes, take a break from your computer screen by looking at an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. […]


Diabetes- Taking your medicine as directed can help you manage your diabetes.

Diabetes Explained Don’t let diabetes take away your chance at a long and full life. Watch this video to learn more about your condition and how your medicine can help. Click here to continue the Healthwise Conversation about diabetes with a virtual coach and create your own personal health plan.


Simplify your life

Having a serious long-term health problem can take away your chances of a long and full life with your family – if you let it.   Our staff is dedicated to help you take back your future by helping you take your medicine as directed. We are here to help […]