The Key to Your Healthcare Success
Have you ever had trouble taking a medication as prescribed or stopping a medication without telling your doctor? Well, you are not alone! No need to worry, there are people out there to help; your local community pharmacist! Pharmacists have been recently referred to as “the most accessible health care providers” and as health care providers, we understand how confusing taking multiple medications can be. As our population continues to grow and age in the United States, the number of prescriptions will increase accordingly, making it more important now than ever for patients to understand their medications and how to take them.
Medication adherence can be defined as the voluntary cooperation of the patient to take the medications prescribed by their health care provider. Many times patients will leave their providers’ office and either forget that they were given a prescription, forget what the drug was
for or sometimes even how to take the medication.
Do you want to attend that next birthday party, wedding, high school graduation or family reunion? Practicing proper medication adherence techniques can help ensure your are at all of the special events coming up in the next few months or years! Script your future and learn ways to practice good medication adherence. Medication adherence is the key to your healthcare success, helping you live a healthier life and ultimately decrease your healthcare expenses over time. Stop by Health Park Pharmacy today to learn more about our medication adherence programs!
Medication Adherence at Health Park Pharmacy
1. Patient medication synchronization
- ALL of your medications can be filled at the same time every month with our synchronization technology
2. Telephone reminders
- Sign up for telephone call reminders when your prescriptions are ready
- Reminders are also available in the form of text messages for all of you tech savvy folks!
3. Dispill
- Stop filling those old pill boxes every week and try our new Dispill service free of charge today!
- Medications are packaged into separate compartments for different times of everyday and sealed
- Take comfort in knowing you took the right medication at the right time each day
- Don’t worry, there is no extra cost for this service! It’s the same cost to you as putting your pills in the bottle.
Dispill(click here to learn more)
4. Keep track of your medications and what they are for utilizing a personal medication record . Click here to fill yours out today! Fill your prescriptions at Health Park Pharmacy and we’ll print out a personal medication record with color pill images, free of charge, each month so you know what your taking and how to take it everyday.
Which Patient Are You?
1. Patient A: “I take one medication daily and I never forget to take it.”
- Telephone reminders may be all that you need to ensure that you pick up your prescriptions at the correct time each month
2. Patient B: “I take one or more medications everyday, but I tend to forget to take it from time to time.”
- Medication synchronization AND telephone reminders may be the option for you to ensure all of your medications are filled at the same time each month.
3. Patient C: “I take multiple medications throughout the day/night and I often find myself getting confused and forget to take my medications.”
- Dispill may be the best choice for you. The Dispill system helps keep your medications more organized and maintained in a timely fashion, making it almost impossible to take your medications incorrectly.
Did you know?
- Over 10% of hospital admissions are due to poor medication adherence
- 20-30% of prescriptions are never filled after the patient leaves the providers’ office
- 50% of medications are not continued as prescribed by physicians
- Rates of medication adherence drop significantly after the first 6 months of therapy
- Non-adherance causes approximately 125,000 deaths in the United States annually
- Patients visit their local pharmacy on average 35 times per year
- Click here to learn more ways to practice medication adherence