8300 Health Park Suite 227, Raleigh, NC, United States


Gastric Reflux

Gastric reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a condition in which the stomach contents “splash” back up from the stomach to the esophagus. This can cause the esophagus to become irritated causing heartburn and other symptoms. Heartburn is the feeling experienced when there is a burning feeling […]

Health Issues Facing Diabetic Patients

Health Issues Facing Diabetic Patients Today 1. HEART DISEASE is one of the leading causes of death in diabetic patients.  Continuous increases in blood sugar results in a gradual build-up of fat and deposition on the blood vessel walls causing them to harden.  These hardened vessel walls become narrowed and plaques […]

Flu Shots – What’s the Difference?

Flu Shots: What’s the Difference? It’s that time of year again – flu shot season! As you get ready to go get your flu shot, you may be confused by all the different options. Trivalent? Quadrivalent? High dose? How can you decide which vaccine to receive?       Types […]

New Pneumonia Vaccine: Fact or Fiction

Pneumonia Vaccine Guidelines have changed:  How does this impact you?  What happened- Many of our patients have asked us about a recent article published in the Wall Street Journal  about changes to the Pneumonia Vaccine Guidelines & we’d like to simplify the information for you. When – August 13, 2014 Who […]

Medication Adherence

The Key to Your Healthcare Success Have you ever had trouble taking a medication as prescribed or stopping a medication without telling your doctor? Well, you are not alone! No need to worry, there are people out there to help; your local community pharmacist! Pharmacists have been recently referred to […]


Flu Facts

Do you know the truth about the flu?? Myths about vaccinations have become increasingly more common over the past few years.  Let’s take some time to debunk some of these myths and get down to the facts! It’s Time for a Q &A Session! Q:  Do I need to go […]


Eye Health: Dry Eye & Eye Drops

Treating Dry Eye When your eyes do not make enough tears or your tears evaporate away too quickly, your eyes can be left red and dry, with a burning sensation. This is dry eye, and up to 1/3 of older adults have this condition. Dry eye can reduce your ability […]


Eye Health: The 20/20/20 Rule

In today’s world, technology surrounds us all. Protect your eyes from digital eye strain with the following tips: Practice the 20/20/20 Rule: Give your eyes a rest! Every 20 minutes, take a break from your computer screen by looking at an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. […]


Travel Preparedness

Travel Tips If you are traveling internationally check the CDC to see if you need any special vaccines and make an appointment to receive the vaccines well in advance from your departure date Flying increases your clot risk due to immobility and cabin pressure.  Be active get up and walk […]


Diabetes- Taking your medicine as directed can help you manage your diabetes.

Diabetes Explained Don’t let diabetes take away your chance at a long and full life. Watch this video to learn more about your condition and how your medicine can help. Click here to continue the Healthwise Conversation about diabetes with a virtual coach and create your own personal health plan.